Here are some pics from my trip to Texas. Just click on them to see a larger pic.
My Cuz and Andy Admiring Lila
Andy Playing Patty Cake with Lila's Feet
David, Me, Aunt Kathy, Gina, Andy, & Lila at Restaurant
My Cuz Holding Lila Oh So Precious
My Cuz Looking at Me While I am Holding Lila
My Cuz Near My Bro as I am looking at Lila
My Aunt, Cuz, Andy, & Lila at Restaurant
My Aunt & Cuz Beside My Bro & Me holding Lila
My Aunt & Cuz With Us At Space Center
Lila Being Held By Andy With Gina Nearby
Lila Biting on Andy's Knee
Lila Looking at My Bro While in Bouncer
My Aunt, Me, & David on Ferry
My Aunt, Me & David in Sand Near Galveston Bay